Have you noticed shoulder blade winging? Poor shoulder function?

You may think what is this and what does this have to do with chiropractic care?

SICK scapular or scapular dyskinesis means an altered or deviation of a normal scapular (shoulder blade) position during resting posture or active motion.

I can tell you, assessing for scapular dyskinesis or Sick scapula is part of a routine chiropractic assessment. It is common to discover a patient has muscular weakness in the shoulder or pain in the upper back and neck as a result of poor scapular (aka shoulder blade) function and position. Without proper shoulder blade position the shoulder has a hard time moving as it should. This will affect simple- every day movement such as over head reaching, doing your hair, putting on clothes, throwing a ball...

This syndrome is often associated with clavicle ( aka collar bone) strain or injury. This matters because the collar bone is the only bone holding the shoulder blade to the body. Crazy to think, right? But very True! A previously injured or broken collar bone can affect the way your shoulder functions down the road.

If you have a SICK scapular or suffer from scapular dyskinesis you may notice the following signs and symptoms.

- A winging of the shoulder blade

- A dropped shoulder on the affected side

- Shoulder pain with movement or shoulder cracking with movement

- Pain when sleeping on your affected shoulder

- Tight and painful pec muscles or chest muscle pain

- Slouched posture with rolled shoulders

- A forward head position

If these symptoms are familiar to you, think about trying chiropractic care. A combination of chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue release, and exercise prescription can help alleviate symptoms and more importantly improve function.

Chiropractic and Children.

Part of my chiropractic education includes specialized training to feel and assess babies and children for proper spinal development and spinal motion. Parents, have you noticed if your children slouch? If so, I can help.

Regular check-ups with a chiropractor can help monitor your child's development and maintain a healthy spine and optimal function. Chiropractic care can start early, even as a baby. If you suspect your children have poor posture, if you yourself have poor posture, consider chiropractic.

I provide chiropractic care to gently reduce tensions and restrictions on the spinal joints to promote better posture, better strength, and proper nerve function. Make safe and natural chiropractic care a part of your health care for you and your whole family!